This Abeka Homeschool Review covers the A beka homeschool grades and accreditation, Abeka homeschool subjects and components, the Abeka homeschool materials, and A Beka homeschool costs. Find out if the Abeka homeschool curriculum is right for your homeschool here.
ABeka Homeschool Grades and Accreditation
ABeka Academy homeschool curriculum is offered for homeschool students in kindergarten through grade 12, and the program is accredited by both the Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (FACCS) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).
ABeka Homeschool Subjects and Components
ABeka homeschooling can be delivered by A Beka homeschool qualified instructors through video (your choice of DVD or Internet video streaming). Video courses are for a 170-day school year. This option is available for kindergarten through high school. Alternatively, the “Traditional” independent study program is available. The Abeka homeschool program is parent-directed and the materials consist of student and teacher materials for Pre-kindergarten and grades 1 through 6.
Not all homeschool subjects are available at all grade levels, but these are the subjects in the Abeka homeschool program: art, Bible, French, health, history, language, literature, mathematics, music, phonics, reading, science, social studies, Spanish, spelling/poetry, and writing.
A graduation ceremony is offered for participation by homeschool students who complete the accredited high school program by meeting or exceeding the following requirements: four credits in Bible, English,and Math; three and a half credits in History; three credits in Science; two and a half elective credits; and one credit each in Spanish, Physical Education, and Practical/Performing Arts. The elective choices include Algebra 2, Biology, Business Math, Chemistry, Consumer Math, Family/Consumer Sciences; Home-Ec.—Sewing; Keyboarding; Orchestra 1 and 2; Physical Education 2; Physics, Plane geometry, Precalculus; and Speech.
ABeka Restrictions
Pepole who live near A Beka in Pensacola, Florida and the surrounding area are not able to enroll in ABeka Academy. In addition, ABeka says that it may deny admission to students who do not meet admission requirements.
ABeka Homeschool Materials
It appears that all materials are copyright by A Beka.
ABeka Homeschool Costs
The Traditional program costs $750 for all grades Kindergarten through grade 6. Sales tax is charged depending on the state the homeschool is in. There are fees for switching grade levels, cancelling a course or a full-grade; and for late student work. Shipping of program materials within the United States is included.
The Video Approach is offered with or without books in grades 1–12, with the program on DVD costing more than the streaming version. The Video and Books version on DVD runs $275 for four year olds in Kindergarten; $495 for five year olds in Kindergarten; $895 for grades 1 through 6; and $995 for grades 7 through 12.
It is possible to get two subject combinations in grades 1-6 (if one is mixing and matching program materials, for example). The choices are Language Arts and Bible on the one hand and Arithmetic, Science, History, and Bible on the other. These are only available via streaming. In grades 7 through 12, individual subjects may be selected for delivery by DVD for $395 each.
User Comments on the ABeka Homeschool Program
Users have critiqued the Abeka homeschool program as boring and called it out for ardent anti-Catholicism in its materials.